Where we are

I Casali del Moraiolo

Where we are

Find out where we are located and how to reach us

The Casali del Moraiolo are located in the municipality of Collazzone in the Province of Perugia and are about 10 km from Todi, 30 km from Perugia, 40 km from Assisi and 50 km from Lake Trasimeno.


Address: 7a, Strada dei Boschetti – Collazzone, 06050 Perugia

Coordinate GPS Moraiolo
42° 52′ 49,74″ N – 12° 25′ 42,26″ E
Coordinate GPS Roseto
42° 52′ 46,62″ N – 12° 25′ 40,96″ E
Coordinate GPS Nocino
42° 52′ 44,44″ N – 12° 25′ 46,92″ E

From North

To take the highway A1/E35 in the direction of Rome
Exit at Siena/Perugia
Exit at Perugia and take the SS. 3bis/E45 in the direction of Terni
Outside Collazone/Pantalla and proceed in the direction of Collazzone

From South

To take the highway A1/E35 towards Florence
Exit at Orte and take the SS. 3bis/E45 in the direction of Perugia
Out of Collazzone/Pantalla and proceed in the direction of Collazzone

Contact i Casali del Moraiolo

Strada dei Boschetti, 7a
Piedicolle - Collazzone - Perugia

Tel. +39 335 62 40 329

WhatsApp +39 335 62 40 329

[email protected]

The Location